Magzter Bank Offers January 2021: FLAT 30% Discount on Magazine Subscription

Magzter Cashback Offers & Bank Offers: HDFC, ICICI, Citibank, SBI & Axis Bank

Magzter Bank Cashback Offers 2021: Latest Discount Deals and Offers on

Magzter is a global digital magazine newsstand and it is headquartered in New York. It is the world’s largest and fastest growing cross platform and has over 4000+ leading publishers who upload their content on magzter. Not only this, Magzter has a staggering 9500+ magazines. Magzter App was also launched in the month of June 2011. So, you can download it as well to read different types of magazines.

If you want to grab amazing discount on Magzter subscription then you can avail our Magzter Coupons and Promo Code. Moreover, Magzter Bank Offers and Cashback Deals are also available on our page. So, click on Activate Deal option and save money on Magzter magazine as well as Gold Subscription.

Magzter Cashback Offers

Customer having a credit card or debit card of the banks like Axis bank, SBI, Citibank, ICICI and HDFC will receive the cashback on annual plan during the offer period. All the offer has been listed above, read terms and condition before using them.

Magzter HDFC Bank Offers

If you are HDFC bank customer and have credit and debit card of the bank (Incl. VISA, Master, Amex or American Express) then you will get up to 10% cashback during the offer period.

Magzter ICICI bank Coupons

Same as mentioned above, ICICI Bank customer will also get the benefits of Cashabck.

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